We received many emails asking where to buy backpacks in Malaysia. There is even an active and long thread on Lowyat Forum on this matter. While we will normally direct people to our long list of retailers here , we recently decided that it is time to feature some of the shops we think are really worth a visit. We will start with the famed Madam Sia shop at Pertama Complex.
NOTE: Join the Outdoor Gear Malaysia community by visiting our Facebook page.
Why this shop? Well, it comes highly recommended on many local forums. Many blogs mentioned this shop as well, let alone the scores of Gunungonline folks that buy packs from this shop.
The thing about this shop is that it offers a good variety of backpacks. They have several brands (and one brand in particular that we really like) with many models. The shop is so stuffed with packs that it is hard to move around!
The 3 major brands that Yoon Hin shop carries are Deuter, Osprey and Karrimor. From our observations, all the packs are original. If you are serious about your packs, Madam Sia is more than happy to point out the ‘replica’ ones for you. She even gave us a Deuter 2011 catalog for us to bring home. She is one smart lady, knowing that there are so many fakes in the market, it is good to have an official catalog around so that people can actually refer to.
Osprey packs are great. In fact…they are awesome packs. Osprey is one of the most popular packs in the US, well known for their comfort, well thought and innovative designs. While their older models are still being sought after (just check ebay), their new models now are also doing very well. Rather new in the market, they are catching up, putting up a good fight against other brands locally.
Karrimor packs have come a long way. They are considered the old school and newbies in the Gunung fraternity probably heard of this brand before any other. Karrimor practically decorated the walls of hardcore Malaysian adventures many years ago and it is quite unlikely that they will cease to do so. Today, this brand is back with newer and bolder designs. An obvious sign that they too are catching up with what’s hip and happening in the market.
This shop specializes in mostly travel trolley packs and backpacks. If you are looking for other outdoor and camping stuff like camping stoves and hammocks, this would probably not be the place to go. If you are looking for bags of all sorts to carry your camping equipment, then Madam Sia is where you wanna go to.
So, if you are thinking of getting a backpack for your next adventure, we highly recommend that you pay Madam Sia a visit. And do not be put down by her crowded store. It just goes to show you how well stocked here shop is. Here are the contact details for Madam Sia’s backpack store at Pertama Complex:
Source: http://www.outdoor-gear-malaysia.com/2011/05/where-to-buy-a-backpack-in-malaysia/#more-555
Read More: http://whazzup-u.com/forum/topics/where-to-buy-backpacks-in-malaysia
NOTE: Join the Outdoor Gear Malaysia community by visiting our Facebook page.
Why this shop? Well, it comes highly recommended on many local forums. Many blogs mentioned this shop as well, let alone the scores of Gunungonline folks that buy packs from this shop.
The thing about this shop is that it offers a good variety of backpacks. They have several brands (and one brand in particular that we really like) with many models. The shop is so stuffed with packs that it is hard to move around!
The 3 major brands that Yoon Hin shop carries are Deuter, Osprey and Karrimor. From our observations, all the packs are original. If you are serious about your packs, Madam Sia is more than happy to point out the ‘replica’ ones for you. She even gave us a Deuter 2011 catalog for us to bring home. She is one smart lady, knowing that there are so many fakes in the market, it is good to have an official catalog around so that people can actually refer to.
Osprey packs are great. In fact…they are awesome packs. Osprey is one of the most popular packs in the US, well known for their comfort, well thought and innovative designs. While their older models are still being sought after (just check ebay), their new models now are also doing very well. Rather new in the market, they are catching up, putting up a good fight against other brands locally.
Karrimor packs have come a long way. They are considered the old school and newbies in the Gunung fraternity probably heard of this brand before any other. Karrimor practically decorated the walls of hardcore Malaysian adventures many years ago and it is quite unlikely that they will cease to do so. Today, this brand is back with newer and bolder designs. An obvious sign that they too are catching up with what’s hip and happening in the market.
This shop specializes in mostly travel trolley packs and backpacks. If you are looking for other outdoor and camping stuff like camping stoves and hammocks, this would probably not be the place to go. If you are looking for bags of all sorts to carry your camping equipment, then Madam Sia is where you wanna go to.
So, if you are thinking of getting a backpack for your next adventure, we highly recommend that you pay Madam Sia a visit. And do not be put down by her crowded store. It just goes to show you how well stocked here shop is. Here are the contact details for Madam Sia’s backpack store at Pertama Complex:
Kedai Bag Yoon Hin Madam Sia 012-6954843 Lot Unit No G66, Ground Floor, Pertama Shopping complex, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
From our visit, we concluded that there are lots of good finds at Kedai Bag Yoon Hin, often hidden or stacked between other bags and travel luggage…they may just be the right pack for you. Best part of all, she is more than happy to oblige a discount for you (mention us for that extra discount!). So…to many of our followers, Madam Sia’s Kedai Bag Yoon Hin comes highly recommended as the shop to buy backpacks in Malaysia!Source: http://www.outdoor-gear-malaysia.com/2011/05/where-to-buy-a-backpack-in-malaysia/#more-555
Read More: http://whazzup-u.com/forum/topics/where-to-buy-backpacks-in-malaysia
Thanks for the post and great tips..even I also think that hard work is the most important aspect of getting success..
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